Spiritual development programs (no matter the wisdom tradition) seem to universally emphasize a period where one can let go – turn over the

Development w/o Spiritual Roots leads to Self Obsession

We inherit a foundational Sense of Self (self-differentiation score) from our families that solidifies in adolescent years. How we show up as

Developing a Solid Self to Be with Others

Seeing the world through a wound – I can’t see clearly at all. It’s like looking through shattered glass. You

Un-Shattered Glass

Masks. Held quite tightly.  Some glued on by society!  Until the true-er self releases all those repressed shadow emotions: anger,

The Power of Shadow Work to Claim a True-Er Self

God is within people. AND People are not God. My belief and distinction….. What does this have to do with human

What is within: spirituality or spiritual narcissism?

Take Exquisite Care. Pay attention Fully  To each detail of your Being  That whispers through the Body  And in your

Exquisite Care